作者:佚名 来源:本站 时间:2025-01-05 点击:次
The Titan is the basic tier one battle mech for the Steel Talons. Since it is T1 it can be built right off the block from the War Factory. It is the replacement for the Predator Tank so it is primarily focused for anti-tank and anti-structure assaults. However when upgraded and escorted the Titan can become a versatile platform for attacks throughout the game.
Assaulting The Enemy
One of the key assets of the Titan is its ability to crush tier one vehicles, including Harvesters, and infantry, this can be a very useful way to instantly kill some of the enemy's forces and if your lucky and your enemy doesn't micromanage his units very well - you can crush the bulk of the army with a few Titans. However this is unlikely to happen in most games as Titans do suffer from a slow movement speed. Thus attacking from multiple directions not only increases the probability of successful crushes but also exploits directional armor to increase the efficiency of your attacks as Titans can fire on the move.

Like the Predator, un-upgraded Titans are not capable of successfully dealing with infantry by simply firing at them. You are best off trying to crush them or retreating in these situations.
Kitting Out The Titan - Upgrades, Abilities and Support Powers
When fully upgraded Titans become much more powerful and even help compensate for some of its weaknesses. Railguns, which not only vastly improves firepower and accuracy, also enables it to fight off infantry. This upgrade is pretty much essential if you plan on using Titans in the late game.

Another useful upgrade is Adaptive Armor and this is a great upgrade to purchase because it increases the titans armor for a short amount of time and allows it to be immune to EMP from units like the GDI Grenadier and Nod Awakened cyborg. This upgrade is even more effective when trying to hold an area because when defending hit points becomes more important than firepower.
Railgun Accelerators provide any Railgun equipped unit to have increased damage and increased rate of fire for a period of time but causes damage to the unit its used upon. For a comprehensive look at this support power, take a look at the Railgun Accelerator Tip of the Week found here.
Filling The Gaps:
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