清算者 攻略 命令与征服3
作者:佚名 来源:本站 时间:2025-01-04 点击:次
导读《命令与征服3:泰伯利亚战争》是EA公司的著名即时战略游戏《命令与征服》系列之一,这款游戏同时还登陆Xbox 360平台。Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath finally brought th...
《命令与征服3:泰伯利亚战争》是EA公司的著名即时战略游戏《命令与征服》系列之一,这款游戏同时还登陆Xbox 360平台。
Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath finally brought the Brotherhood of Nod a transport vehicle of their own in the Reckoner. However, in an original and diverse twist, the Reckoner is faster than the APC and can hold two infantry at once. The Reckoner does not gain the weapon type of the garrisoned infantry though, and while moving it can only run over infantry to do damage. However, the Reckoner can be deployed, and by doing so it gains a massive armor boost. This also allows infantry in it to fire, and opens up one more garrison slot. Even in this state the Reckoner is still considered a vehicle, so you must watch out for things such as Cultist/Prodigy/Mastermind mind control and larger vehicles running over it. Deploying Reckoners in your opponents base near key structures is an obvious use, but it also makes a good make-shift defense for key positions around the map.在cc3凯恩之怒里,终于给Nod兄弟会配备了自己的运兵车——清算者。不过与原作相比,清算者比APC速度快,并且一次可以搭载两队步兵。清算者不能获得驻扎步兵的武器支持,在移动时他们只能靠碾压来打击步兵。然而,清算者可以展开,展开后可以获得大量的防御加成。展开后可以允许内部搭载的步兵开火,并提供一个额外的驻扎位置。即使在这个状态,清算者还是被当作车辆来处理的,因此你要小心诸如杂交部队(译者。。不知道中文版里面怎么翻译的。。)/夺魂师/摄魂师的心灵控制部队以及可以碾压它的大型车辆。在敌人基地的关键建筑附近展开清算者是一个常规的用法,不过在地图上的关键位置部署它们也是有效的防御手段。
Now that we've covered the basics of the Reckoner, how can we utilize it to its full potential?
The first thing to note is that for vanilla Nod and Marked of Kane, you have the option to use either the Cloaking Field or Disruption Pods to make your Reckoner invisible. This can pay huge dividends when used with certain combinations. The Vertigo Bombers Disruption Pod Upgrade is particularly useful as it stealths the units when they are nearby the Reckoner. It yields amazing results when used with Saboteurs and Commandos.
Below are the best ways to utilize the Reckoner.
With or without the ability to stealth your Reckoner, using Saboteurs to capture enemy buildings can be game changing. It is always good to distract your opponent so you can stealthily sneak it in, capture, and get out. To use this effectively, it is no different to the APC/Engi variant of Tiberium Wars, just ensure you have a comfortable hot-key setup to execute it quickly and cleanly.
Black Hands (ideally Purifying Flame upgraded)
Using these to their potential is not rocket science. You simply just need to sneak them around and deploy them so that they can do heavy damage to buildings with their flame weapons. Using specifically the Black Hand subfaction, not only can you use the Purifying Flame which greatly increases your flame damage, but your Black Hands also start off as Veterans. You can easily decimate a base with Purifying Flame Black Hands in a Reckoner, so pounce when you see an opening.
Commando(s) (Black Hand has the Heroic Twins)
Where you can capture and sell a single building with a Saboteur, you can blow up multiple buildings via the Commando. The ideal way to use the Commando is to micro-manage it in tandem with your Reckoner. Exit Reckoner, C4 a building, then quickly reverse-move back to pick it up and move it to the next building, rinse and repeat. However, the Black Hand subfaction gives you another option in the fact that they can make two Heroic Commandos. This means you can put them on opposite sides of your opponent's base and have them meet in the middle, blowing up whatever is unfortunate enough to be in their way. Alternatively, you can use a combination of the Reckoner+Commando micro-management while you have the other one cover ground on foot. Either way, your opponent will experience heavy casualties.
The Enlightened (Marked of Kane only)
The Enlightened are powerful in their own right with long range and an EMP ability. If you then consider that they can be augmented with the Super-Charged Particle Beam upgrade, they are a force to be feared. This means that if you deploy some of these in front of your army you are going to absorb a whole lot of damage while simultaneously dealing a whole lot of damage with them. Another good place to deploy one of these would be on a tiberium field. Needless to say, your opponent's Harvesters aren't going to last long with these there (then again, Stealth Tanks could be better). Another good idea is taking one of The Enlightened squads out to use their EMP, and then garrisoning it back in the Reckoner to keep it safe.
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