作者:佚名 来源:本站 时间:2025-01-04 点击:次
导读《命令与征服3:泰伯利亚战争》是EA公司的著名即时战略游戏《命令与征服》系列之一,这款游戏同时还登陆Xbox 360平台。蜂群英文作者:NukefishyBuilt From: PortalCost: 200Build Time: 2 S...
《命令与征服3:泰伯利亚战争》是EA公司的著名即时战略游戏《命令与征服》系列之一,这款游戏同时还登陆Xbox 360平台。
Built From: Portal
Cost: 200
Build Time: 2 Seconds
Description: Buzzers are the Scrin Anti-Infantry infantry. Unlike other infantry the Buzzer does not possess a ranged attack. It must be right over its target in order to attack them. It is very fast and deals sniper damage rather than machine gun damage making it extremely potent vs all infantry. They can Also clear garrisoned structures and attach to vehicles(Although its not effective).
花费: 200
描述: 蜂群是Scrin的"反步兵"步兵。与其他步兵单位不同的是,蜂群没有远程攻击能力,它必须要走到目标上才能攻击对方。蜂群的速度非常快,而且它拥有狙击手般的伤害,这使它可以非常有效的对抗所有的步兵单位。此外,蜂群可以用来清除建筑中的驻军,也可以附着在其他车辆上(尽管不是很有效)
It is inefficient to target infantry one at a time with buzzers. Make them move straight through enemy infantry and watch as they leave a wake of dead bodies! Moving buzzers completely devastate the infantry they go through. Try to keep them moving at all times in combat. They are much more effective and it will make them dodge rocket and cannon fire.
让蜂群一次攻击一个步兵的做法是效率很低的。让蜂群径直穿过敌人的步兵们然后尽情的欣赏它们留下的一地尸体吧(译者。。Orz..) 移动中的蜂群可以完全摧毁他们途经的步兵。因此,应该尽量保证他们在整个战斗中都处于移动状态。这样可以让它们变的更加有效,并且更容易躲过火箭和炮火。
Buzzers have the ability to clear garrisoned structures. This can be very important on maps like Tournament Arena and Barstow Badlands due to the bunkers. One Rifle Squad can usually provide enough fire power to keep individual Buzzers away from a structure. To get Buzzers to the Structure you will need to either send in a group of them or summon the swarm.
蜂群拥有清除驻军建筑的能力。这在拥有很多地堡的地图(比如TA 和Barstow Badlands)是非常重要的。一队机枪兵拥有足够的火力来阻止单个蜂群靠近建筑物。要想让蜂群到达建筑物,你需要派出一组几个蜂群或者使用召唤蜂群技能。
In addition to clearing structures Buzzers can also garrison them. They can't attack from them but it is still great to do this to maintain visual range on an area.
Buzzers are excellent for revealing stealthed units. They are most commonly used for this purpose on Nod Harvesters. Usually to help a lightning spike. The best way to get them in is The Swarm support power. Summon them right where you think the Stealth unit it is and presto! It's revealed. You can have them continuously attack it to keep track of it.
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