作者:佚名 来源:本站 时间:2024-10-19 点击:次
植物名称 | 稀有度 | 售价 | 生长周期 | 发现地点 |
Apple | Common | $13-$33 | 36h | Seed Packet |
Basil | Common | $3-$8 | 24h | Seed Packet |
Blue Bells | Common | $11-$28 | 36h | Seed Packet |
Carrot | Common | $8-$20 | 24h | Seed Packet |
Chrysanthemum | Common | $11-$28 | 36h | Seed Packet |
Daisy | Common | $3-$8 | 24h | Seed Packet |
Grapes | Common | $33-$85 | 48h | Seed Packet |
Lemon | Common | $12-$30 | 60h | Oasis Springs - Across the street from Rattlesnake Juice in the dirt area. Also at end of road by Museum. |
Mushroom | Common | $4-$10 | 24h | Seed Packet |
Parsley | Common | $5-$13 | 24h | Seed Packet |
Plantain | Common | $16-$40 | 72h | Seed Packet |
Sage | Common | $5-$8 | 24h | Oasis Springs, end of road by Museum. Also across from Sandtrap Flat in the garden area. |
Snapdragon | Common | $13-$33 | 36h | Willow Creek, Garden Essence Home (BFF Household) |
Spinach | Common | $3-$8 | 24h | Seed Packet |
Cherry | Uncommon | $15-$39 | 60h | Oasis Springs - Behind the Park by Springscape. |
Lily | Uncommon | $18-45 | 36h | Willow Creek Park, also in front of Oakenstead |
Onion | Uncommon | $14-35 | 48h | Willow Creek, Rendle Rose (House) |
Pear | Uncommon | $14-35 | 60h | Willow Creek Park, also behind Umbridge Manor (Mansion) |
Potato | Uncommon | $10-$25 | 24h | Willow Creek, Garden Essence Home (BFF Household) |
Rose | Uncommon | $18-$45 | 48h | Willow Creek, Behind Umbridge Manor (Mansion) |
Strawberry | Uncommon | $8-$20 | 24h | Willow Creek, Garden Essence Home (BFF Household) |
Tomato | Uncommon | $12-$30 | 24h | Oasis Springs, up the road from Slipshod Mesquite (the home that looks like a trailer) are planter boxes. There you will find Tomato and some other plants. |
Tulip | Uncommon | $11-$28 | 36h | Oasis Springs, near the abandoned mine down the hill behind the Landgraab Mansion. |
Blackberry | Rare | $55-$138 | 96h | Oasis Springs - near the dirt path beside the big Park. |
Cow Berry | Rare | N/A | 24h | Cow Plant berries have been found while Fishing at the glimmering stream with a cave in Oasis Springs' Big Park, as well as Sylvan Glade's larger body of water. You can also get a Cowplant by using Take Cutting from a Snapdragon and Grafting it onto Dragonfruit, but again, Grafting new types of plants is broken at the moment. These may also be found while on missions in the Rocket Ship via the Rocket Science Skill. More on Cow Plants Below. |
DragonFruit | Rare | $ | ??? | Graft Daisy with Strawberry. Currently bugged. |
Orchid | Rare | $22-$58 | 36h | This was found by myself and another after completing the Space Rock collection from the Rocket Science Skill. |
Pomegranate | Rare | $18-$45 | 72h | These have been found while Fishing in Magnolia Blossom Park, Willow Creek. I caught one in the central pond where you can also look for frogs while fishing without bait. I suspect you can get one by grafting Cherry with Apple, but the interaction will not go through. |
Trash Fruit | Rare | $4-$10 | 24h | Have your Sim take out the trash, but cancel the interaction. Let this trash sit in your yard (it can be moved in buy mode), and it'll become one very unhappy trash plant. Water it fast, and one day you'll have your very own Perfect Trash Plant. |
U.F.O. | Rare | $120-$300 | 112h | These evidently don't need watered, but do need weeded. Unidentified Fruit Object is what you harvest, but the plant is actually named Intergalactic Growth Pod. U.F.O. Fruit has been found while on adventure in the Rocket Ship. I got one while anAstronautin an encounter with the Green Man (like Yoda). I took the weapon and defeated the Nega-Sim and got a Cowplant Berry along with an U.F.O. as a reward! |
(2)加速植物进化:植物有10个品级,你野外摘来的或者钓鱼钓来的都是最低级,即【一般】。植物的品级如下Normal, Nice, Very Nice, Good, Great, Excellent, Superb, Magnificent, Pristine, Perfect,具体游戏里面的翻译我没关注,同学们可以自己去看看。比如你现在有一个完美的草莓,还有 一个刚抽枝的一般的黑莓,你可以截枝黑莓,再嫁接到草莓上,最后可以获得完美的草莓&黑莓,直接提升N个级别,按正常游戏时间培育要花上20天左右,太不和谐了~
(3)获得特定食材组合,减少种植数目:跟前作一样,植物需要管理,而且没有园丁服务,以后可能会有MOD,所以大面积种植很耽误时间,即使这30多种植物一样只有一株,到后期全部料理下来快则几个小时慢则一个白天,啥事儿你都别干了,还要顾及各项需求,很累。(2)中提到的嫁接可以减 少工作量,到了后期比如你想做一道料理,需要洋葱和土豆(只是举例,具体看料理配方),你就可以把这两种嫁接在一起,一次收获即可采集必须食材。
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