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作者:佚名   来源:本站   时间:2024-10-16  点击:

《废土2》2号升级补丁更新的内容,很多玩家都非常关注,下面介绍的是玩家aim120R分享的2号升级补丁比较重要的更新内容,一起来看看吧。1. 内存优化,特别是对音频的优化以提高游戏在低端系统和32位系统上的表现。- Large amoun...


1. 内存优化,特别是对音频的优化以提高游戏在低端系统和32位系统上的表现。

- Large amount of memory optimizations, particularly with audio, to improve performance and stability on lower-spec systems and 32-bit operating systems.

2. 修正了敌人移动的“无限AP”BUG。(一回合贴脸)

- Fixed enemy “unlimited AP” movement bug that allowed them to sometimes move much farther than intended.

3. 修正加利福尼亚州任务链,特别是Hollywood 和 Griffith Pack两幅地图。

- Extensive improvements and fixes to California questlines, particularly in Hollywood and Griffith Park. May require you to load an older save file before Hollywood to fully benefit.

4. 玩家可以调整世界地图漫游的速度,不影响遇敌率

- Added a travel speed toggle to the world map, allowing you to zip and zoom around if you so please (doesn't affect encounters, only travel speed).

5. 修正了windows账户名包含非英文字符时个性头像不能正常显示的问题。

- Custom portraits will now work correctly when Windows account username contains non-English characters.

6. 支持非常大的字体。

- Added support for "Very Large" text.

7. 载入界面上加入50条游戏提示。

- Added 50 messages to load screens containing gameplay hints and tips.

8. 切换窗口不影响游戏加载,载入完成后游戏自动暂停。

- Loading now continues when the game is tabbed out, and pauses after finishing.

9. 用户界面修改和改进,例如全新的按钮。

- Further UI fixes and improvements, such as new and correctly used icons.

10. 更新多国语言支持。

- Many localization updates and bug fixes across all languages.

