《龙腾世纪:审判》绿洲任务Par'as Cavern钥匙如何获得?
作者:佚名 来源:本站 时间:2024-10-13 点击:次
《龙腾世纪:审判》绿洲任务中的The Door In Par’as Cavern的钥匙如何获得很多玩家不是很来哦接,接下来介绍的就是游戏中The Door In Par’as Cavern钥匙的获取方法,一起来看看吧。
绿洲Par'as Cavern有一扇门需要钥匙有人知道在哪里么?找了老半天地图翻遍都没找到
What It’s Worth– To the north west of the Desert Camp you can find a miner roaming around that will give you this quest. Head up to the mine on the marker and clear out the spiders inside. After you do that take the left path to a loot crate with the Ring inside. After that you have to find the miner. For some reason she wasn’t on the map for me after I got the key so I had to leave and come back. She will give you the key to Par’as Cavern.
The Door In Par’as Cavern– Completing the quest “What It’s Worth” will get you the key to this door. Once you get the key you can go open the door and loot the treasure.
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