《龙腾世纪:起源》各国背景 Orlais
作者:佚名 来源:本站 时间:2024-03-11 点击:次
Orlais 富有而强大,同时是所有Chanty的中心。 Orlais是一个野心勃勃的国家,而且毫无疑问是这个大陆上最强大的单一人类种族国家。不过他们的领土扩张遭遇到障碍,因为松散的The Free Marches联邦一旦被入侵就会就会联合起来,而Ferelden是如此难被征服的,尽管Orlais人的军队强大到不能被完全阻止。
Orlais 拥有庞大的贵族阶层,他们闻名于他们的文化和奢侈,受到别国的嫉羡。他们强硬的女皇梦想着把Orlais的边界覆盖到整个大陆,就好象Orlais的建国皇帝,Drakon在死前所做到的一样。
Orlais is a wealthy and powerful nation and is the center of the Chantry.
It is ambitious and without a doubt the most powerful single human nation on
the continent.
Its expansion is limited, because the city-states of the Free Marches would
unite if it invaded, and Ferelden is difficult to assault,though the Orlesian
military is powerful enough that this need not deter it completely.
Orlais has a large noble class well known for its culture and extravagance,
the envy of nobility elsewhere.
Their strong empress dreams of expanding their borders to encompass the
entire continent, just as the founder of Orlais, Emperor Drakon, did prior to
his death. Orlais bordrs on the Frostback Mountains, and they have long been
allies of the dwarves of Orzammar and the primary recipients of their mineral trade,smithing, and lyrium.
- 上一篇: 《龙腾世纪:起源》周公恐惧流言:Loghai
- 下一篇: 《龙腾世纪:起源》Feladren外交情况及
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