《风暴英雄》天上天下唯我独尊 英普瑞斯技能详解
作者:佚名 来源:本站 时间:2023-09-13 点击:次
美服YY ,仅供娱乐!
-Your rage makes you powerful. Yet you hide it from your brethren. Perhaps you fear them seeing you for what you truly are.
-I fear nothing!
Prestigious#1927 NA
Imperius, Archangel of Valor, is a melee Warrior who takes command of the battlefield. With the Spear of Valor, Solarion, he leads his team to glory as a rushes headlong into the fray heedless of risk. He is considered the greatest warrior in all of creation for good reason.
[Combat Trait] Battle Endurance
Using Basic Attacks gives Imperius stacks of Valor. Valor stacks up to a maximum and depending on how much Valor he has, the amount of damage that the Archangel of Valor receives will be decreased by a percentage. The amount of Valor will decrease over time while Imperius is out of combat.
天赋 战斗耐久 普通攻击为英普瑞斯叠加勇气。大天使根据勇气的层数受到更少的伤害。勇气值在英普瑞斯脱离战斗后衰减。
[Q] Solarion's Wrath
The Archangel of Valor throws his spear in the targeted direction piercing through all enemies, Solarion damages all enemies hit and deals increased damage based on the amount of Life that each target is missing. Imperius is unable to use Basic Attacks while Solarion is being thrown. Imperius will gain stacks of "Valor" for each enemy killed. Solarion will return to Imperius when it reaches its maximum distance or this ability is reactivated.
Q 索拉里昂之怒 勇气大天使向目标方向投掷他的长矛刺穿所有敌人,对击中的敌人造成伤害,目标损失的生命值越高受到的伤害越高。投掷武器之后英普瑞斯无法进行普通攻击。击杀敌人会获得勇气层数。在到达最大距离索拉里昂会返回英普瑞斯手中,或者重新激活技能立刻回收武器。
+ Can be talented to gain a damage absorbing shield (expires when absorbs a certain amount of damage) for a period of time if you kill an enemy with this ability.
[W] Onward!
(Passive) Imperius gains increased Movement Speed when moving towards an enemy hero (within a vision radius).
W 前进! 被动 英普瑞斯向视野内的敌方英雄移动时,速度提高。
(Active) Imperius drives his allies forward, increasing his and all nearby allies' Movement Speed and Attack Speed for a period of time.
主动 英普瑞斯驱使他的盟友前进,增加他和所有附近友方单位的移动速度和攻击速度。
[E] Wings of Valor
Imperius shoots off into the sky as a stream of light and then slams down at the target location dealing damage to all enemies in an area around him. (medium range, brief channel before execution) Imperius recieves 1 stack of "Valor" per enemy hit.
E 勇气之翼 英普瑞斯化作一道流光刺向天空,然后重击目标地点,对他身边的所有敌人造成伤害。释放前有短暂施法。每击中一名敌人获得一层勇气。
[R1] Heavenly Host
The Archangel of Valor calls in angels from the Heavenly Host to assist him. When called they will swoop in and deal damage to enemies they pass through, they will then proceed to attack nearby enemies. Imperius can reactivate this ability multiple times, each time after a brief cool-down, to order the angels to charge towards another location dealing damage to those in their path and then attacking nearby enemies again. Each angel can be destroyed or they will all disappear after a certain period of time after the first activation. Imperius does not gain "Valor" from this ability.
R1 天堂之主 勇气大天使从天堂召唤天使来援助他。被召唤的天使会冲向目标地点并对沿途遇到的敌人造成伤害,然后他们会继续前进攻击附近的敌人。英普瑞斯可以在短暂冷却后多次激活技能,来命令天使向新的目标地点冲锋并攻击附近的敌人。天使可以被击杀,持续时间结束后消失。不会使英普瑞斯获得勇气。
[R2] Extension of Will
Imperius pours his own energy into creating a second spear for him to wield for a period of time. While Imperius is dual-wielding his Attack Speed is increased greatly and he has access to two charges of "Solarion's Wrath". In addition, while using "Solarion's Wrath" Imperius is able to use Basic Attacks but he temporarily losses Extension of Will's Attack Speed bonus.
R2 意志延续 英普瑞斯倾注自己的能量打造第二把长矛来供他暂时使用。当英普瑞斯双持时,他的攻击速度极大的提高,并且拥有两次Q索拉里昂之怒。使用索拉里昂之怒之后,英普瑞斯依然可以进行普通攻击,但是会临时失去双持的攻速提高。
[R3] Flame of Valor
Imperius channels his might through Solarion, creating a beam of fire which inflicts damage over time to the first target hit and to any enemies in the area around them. Imperius cannot move or cast spells while channeling. Does increased damage to structures. Channel continues as [R] is held down, Imperius can stop the channel and then start again as long as it is within a certain period of time since he first activated it. After that period of time the channel will stop and Flame of Valor will go on cool-down. Imperius gains stacks of "Valor" over time as he damages enemies with this ability.
R3 勇气之焰 英普瑞斯向索拉里昂灌注他的力量,制造出一束火焰向击中的第一名敌人和他周围的敌人造成持续的伤害。英普瑞斯在施法时无法移动或者使用技能。对建筑物造成额外的伤害。英普瑞斯可以中断施法,并在限定时间内重新激活技能。对敌人造成伤害会使英普瑞斯获得勇气层数。(原文是说按下喷火放开移动接着喷,总的技能时间或者总的喷火时间是固定的)
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